Monday, March 24, 2014

22 cadets of MRSAFPI clears SSBs interviews

by Punjabnewswire4u
The second course of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Armed Forces Preparatory Institute (AFPI), Sector-77, Mohali completed its two years of training today. In a solemn and befitting ceremony the Institute bid adieu to its cadets. The passing out course had commenced its training in April 2012. These young men appeared in the NDA entrance examination conducted by UPSC in August 2013. As many as 35 cadets had cleared the entrance examination and of these, 22 cadets have also cleared the interviews conducted by the Services Selection Boards (SSBs). The overall result achieved by the Institute is among the best in the entire country.
The closing address for the course was delivered by Lt Gen PPS Bhandari, former Deputy Chief of Army Staff. Gen Bhandari complimented the passing out course on the wonderful results achieved by them and said that this was a tribute to the hard work put in by the cadets and faculty of AFPI. He said that it takes years of hard work to build up a good reputation & credibility and in this context it was commendable that AFPI had been able to do so well in only its second year of training.
 Gen Bhandari also congratulated the cadets on having chosen the armed forces as a career and said that the profession of arms was easily the finest career which a young man can opt for today.
Earlier, Gen Bhandari was received on his arrival at AFPI by the Director, Maj Gen BS Grewal. Gen Grewal said that the results achieved by the 2nd Course were excellent and that this would set the bench mark for other courses to emulate. He also assured the cadets who were not successful in their first attempt that the institute would help them to prepare again and that they would surely succeed provided they remain focused on their goal of joining the armed forces.
The passing out course slow marched through the corridors of AFPI to the nostalgic tune of Auld Lang Syne. They were cheered and felicitated by the junior cadets who would be assuming positions of responsibility in the Institute hereafter.
Selection of new intake for the  4th AFPI course is currently in progress and this course will commence on April 22, 2014.

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